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Three Misconceptions About Skip Hire

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For some unknown reason, there is a common misconception that skips can only be hired by building professionals for construction jobs. Here at PWM Skip Hire, we want to ensure that our clients understand the industry as much as possible so that they can get the best deal possible. After all, a skip can be hired by anyone with a skip permit! Read on as we go through three more misconceptions about skip hire…

  1. It is expensive to hire a skip

Contrary to belief, skip hire is actually incredibly affordable when it is done correctly! After all, it is the most effective way to dispose of unwanted furniture and debris from construction or garden clear outs. As long as you do your research beforehand to ensure that you hire the most appropriate skip size and get your hands on a skip permit, you won’t be hit with any unexpected fines or bills.

  1. Skip hire contributes to landfill

Many people incorrectly believe that all the waste in a skip is taken to landfill where it is left to harm the environment. In reality, most skips are taken to a facility where the debris is sorted through and separated based on the different types of materials. After all, this helps ensure that as little waste as possible goes to landfill as most materials in a skip are recycled and repurposed.

  1. You have a strict time frame

Hiring a skip does not come with a time frame set by the hire company, forcing you to work against the clock and rush your project. After all, this would cause a lot of unnecessary stress! Prices are actually set based on the size of skip you would like to hire and how long you would like to have it for. That way you can carry out your job at a steady pace without the pressure of a strict time frame.

Incorrect information from the internet can cause people to make poor decisions. Here at PWM Skip Hire, we encourage people to get in contact with professionals who know what they are talking about rather than taking the word of something posted on a website. If you have a question about hiring a skip, get in contact with the best skip hire Manchester has to offer and speak to an expert at PWM today!

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