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Fun Facts About Skips

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As it stands, there are thousands upon thousands of skips in the UK right now. After all, skip hire is one of the most profitable industries around. Here at PWM Skip Hire, we recognise that skips aren’t exactly the most exciting thing to talk about, however we believe that they also have a rich and interestingly history. Read on as we go over some fun facts about skips…

  1. Skips were created during Victorian times

The skip as we know it today was first introduced during the 1920’s when they were used during shaft mining. It was the late 20’s, however when Victorian houses began to see remodelling take place and this meant that people required a place to dispose of the debris. As a result, skips started to move away from shaft mining and became the go-to-solution for home renovations.

  1. They are yellow due to safety regulations

We can spot a skip due to their signature yellow colour, however it wasn’t always that easy. In fact, the Highways Act in the early 1970’s reformed the rules of skip hire and stated that all skips must be coloured yellow in order to make them easy to see in the dark. After all, whilst a skip is not technically fitted with reflective properties, car headlights are more likely to see bright yellow compared to other colours.

  1. Over 200 million tonnes of waste is gathered via skips every year

As the most effective way to gather waste, it isn’t surprisingly that skips generate a lost of debris. In fact, over 200 million tonnes are produced on an annual basis. Luckily, skips are taken to a location after they are collected where the waste is sorted through in order to ensure that as little material as possible ends up in landfill.

Here at PWM Skip Hire, we think that every home renovation or construction job should be as stress free as possible, especially when it comes to clearing away the debris. After all, there is often more waste to contend with that people predict and if you don’t have a place to dispose of it, you are going to find yourself in a whole load of bother. As the best skip hire Manchester has got to offer, the PWM team are always on hand to answer any questions you may have. Get in contact today to find out more information!

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